the tarot of sorts
The Tarot of Sorts was completed as part of Jamey's studio residency at the WNY Book Arts Center in early 2022. This project is a hand-printed, 28 card major arcana tarot deck. Made using antique letterpress blocks and printed on a Chandler & Price platen press, the theme of the deck is based on it's vintage letterpress aesthetic.
At the end of the residency, The Tarot of Sorts was exhibited at WNYBAC in March '22, and has been featured in a number of group shows since then.
In May of 2022, the Tarot of Sorts completed a successful Kickstarter campaign to have reproduction copies made from the original hand-printed cards. As part of the Kickstarter stretch goals, Jamey also designed 6 additional oracle cards to be optionally added to the deck and read as major arcana, bringing the total from 22 up to 28 cards. A run of 500 decks were printed, and the Tarot of Sorts is available for purchase in both its original and reproduction forms.